Manage seat usage

Last updated on Jul 18, 2024

You can view/terminate active Expert console sessions in the Seat usage section of the web portal.

To access this feature, you must have the permission to view which users have active sessions.

Account administrators can always view which users have active sessions.

In this section of your web portal, you can also see the following seat usage summary:

  • Total seats: displays the maximum number of Expert console sessions that can run simultaneously.
  • Used seats: displays the current number of active console sessions.
  • Available seats: the available number of sessions that can be started without terminating any active sessions.

Use the Refresh button to get the most recent seat usage summary.

You can disconnect other users from their sessions provided that you have the appropriate permissions.

If the Allow others to disconnect this user from their session setting is disabled for an account, you won't be able to disconnect that user from their console session.

To disconnect a user from their console session, hover over that user in the session list and click X.

When a user is disconnected, they will see the full name and email of the user who terminated their session, along with the date and time they were disconnected.