Manage the Unattended app

Last updated on Mar 07, 2024

SetMe's Unattended app allows the remote user to control unattended access to their computer and view important information about the unattended connection.

To run the Unattended app, the remote user needs to open Windows system tray and click the SetMe icon.

In this article

View information about the unattended connection

The following key information is available in SetMe's Unattended app:

  • Unattended app version: required by technicians and SetMe support representatives in case there is a technical issue with accessing this computer.
  • Installed on: indicates when exactly the Unattended app was installed on this computer.
  • Installed by: full name of the technician who installed the Unattended app on this computer.
  • Full name of technician: full name of the person who last connected to this computer.
  • Date: date and time of the last unattended connection.
  • Connection status:
    • Connected: the computer is online and available for unattended connection.
    • Connecting: there is a network connection issue, and the computer is trying to reconnect to the internet. The remote user can manually reset connection if it takes longer than expected.

Manage OS user account credentials

The remote user can provide or update their OS user account credentials at any point so you can automatically sign into their computer when no one's present at the remote end. The credentials are securely stored on the remote computer and not transferred anywhere.

To provide or update credentials at the remote end:

  1. In the Unattended app, click Provide/Update credentials.
  2. Enter the correct credentials and click OK.

The remote user can remove saved credentials for automatic sign-in at any point by simply clicking Remove credentials.

Reset connection

The Unattended app may get stuck on Connecting due to internet connection issues or network configuration changes.

In this case, the remote user can manually reset the connection to SetMe's unattended server by clicking Reset connection.

If the issue persists, a corresponding error message will be displayed to the remote user: